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Plenty of people ask: "Why diapers?" 


For families living in poverty, there are a number of public assistance programs which can help them make ends meet. For those with babies and toddlers, however, programs like WIC and SNAP do not provide assistance for diapers. 


Anyone who's changed a baby's diaper knows that a clean diaper is key to a baby's hygiene and happiness. Families who don't have enough often have to decide whether they can afford to change a baby's diaper, or even whether they need to reuse a diaper. And for families with parents who are working or pursuing education, disposable diapers are a requirement for daycare. 


For plenty of families, access to diapers isn't a worry. For those who do have to worry, we hope that our efforts can help make things a little less stressful!


Hope's Cradle was begun in 2010 by the Cambridge First Church of the Nazarene as a ministry which worked to fill gaps in the public assistance received by impoverished families. We have grown from an organization which provides for 10 families per month to one which regularly serves 60 families at our monthly pantries. 

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